Which is exactly what occurred the day I realized that if I’d never had to deal with all the shit I had to go through in high school, then I never would have developed the inner resources I need to be able to live with a chronic illness.
Image courtesy of Free Foto.
Recently I was introduced to a great new site called White Hot Truth: because self-realization rocks.
I wanted to share something Danielle posted today-a portion of a poem by Rumi-because it reminded me that I can relax, that who I am and what I do is enough. This is from a poem entitled “Forget your life. Say God is Great…”
You can read the entire poem at her site, but I wanted to post the part that really stood out to me-the second to last stanza.
“If you are here unfaithfully with us,
you’re causing terrible damage.
If you’ve opened your loving to God’s love
you’re helping people you don’t know and have never seen.”
– Rumi, as translated by Coleman Barks
A Course In Miracles says, “The Holy Spirit responds fully to your slightest invitation.”
Choose to be open. Offer my willingness. That is enough.
I can do that.
The Word Of The Lord
Since January 1st of this year, Marianne Williamson has appeared on Oprah and Friends radio each afternoon at 3 pm to teach A Course In Miracles. I first went through the Course about 5 years ago, and I thought it would be a really neat experience to go through it again under the guidance of Marianne Williamson, whose work I really admire.
I’ve been doing the daily exercises, as well as practicing applying the principles to my everyday life. Yesterday was a hard day, because I was dealing with a lot of health challenges-AGAIN-and it was making my arthritis flare up-AGAIN.
So I prayed, “Dear God, please help me. I need a miracle.” Then I got really quiet and listened.
I felt guidance and support come in, and I could tell that it was God because it was loving, kind, and gently amused with me.
“Dude,” it said, “take some pain medicine.”
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.