Starting with: ending my title with a preposition 😛
I finally realized that if I kept waiting around for some kind of Comedy Masterpiece to suddenly drop into my brain, that I would never start writing here again. So I decided to just pick something and start writing, and this seemed like as good a jumping off point as any.
1. My Surgery Story. Back when I started to recover after my surgery, I was all inspired to write about it. And I actually did produce a post or two that started to tell the story. But then I stopped-and I don’t know why. I guess I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. So I therefore grant myself permission to never ever have to finish writing the story of my surgery. I grant myself permission to Declare It Done, exactly the way it is right now. Amen.
2. Cranky Fibro Girl’s Twitter Chat Transcript. Back in the summer Cranky Fibro Girl and I did a live chat on Twitter, and I had all these grand ideas of how I could take that and turn it into some kind of something here on my site. Plus, I promised that I’d at least post the transcript here as a post. But I never did. And I’m tired of feeling guilty about this, and having it hanging over my head. So I therefore grant myself permission to never ever have to post the transcript, or to have to do anything with it, or to even have to think about it ever again. Amen.
3. Responding to blog comments. I LOVE it when you guys leave a comment for me. I so much appreciate that you let me know that you’ve been here, and that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read. And I wish that I could/would respond to every comment I receive. Sometimes I can. But then sometimes I can’t. And sometimes you guys feel like commenting. But then sometimes you don’t. And so I’m therefore giving ALL of us permission to comment, or not, according to how we feel in any given moment. Amen.
So on that note, according to whatever powers that might be vested in me, I grant YOU permission to grant YOURSELF permission for whatever you need to do-or not do-on order to take care of yourself today.