The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.
-Joseph Campbell
Harnessing the healing power of snark
Today I discovered the work of Rachel W. Cole, and I adore this passage I found in a blog post she wrote a couple of years ago called “Self-Centered“:
“Self-centered women are not easily blown over by the gusts of other people’s opinions, agendas, or problems coming their way. Their strong center keeps them steady.
Self-centered women know themselves. Intimately. The smooth and the rough. Their ego and their Self.
Self-centered women don’t put others before themselves to the point that they have nothing left. In turn, they have more to give to everyone.
Self-centered women know life isn’t tit for tat. They can receive without “earning” it and they can give without expectation of reciprocation.
Self-centered women are powered sustainably from a renewable source, rather than from the validation, approval, and attention of outside and temporary sources.
Self-centered women are their own compass. Their own north-stars. They navigate these choppy waters as an eye in the storm. This is why we so often take refuge in their work, words, and presence.
They are lighthouses for the rest of us because they are lighthouses for themselves.”
May we all learn how to be a little more self-centered.
The great affair
The great affair, the love affair with life,
is to live as variously as possible, to groom one’s curiosity like a high-spirited thoroughbred,
climb aboard and gallop over the thick, sun-struck hills every day.
Where there is no risk, the emotional terrain is flat and unyielding,
and, despite all its dimensions, valleys, pinnacles, and detours,
life will seem to have none of its magnificent geography, only a length.
It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery,
but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between.
-Diane Ackerman
“As for what’s next, I have no idea. But for now, I trust that not knowing isn’t the same as it not being possible. ”
-Anna Guest-Jelley, founder and CEO (Curvy Executive Officer) of Curvy Yoga
So many different ways I can see myself: woman, wife, fibro patient, artist, blogger, shit-kicker, bipolar, seeker, student, trailblazer, chronically fatigued, renaissance soul.
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
-Walt Whitman
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Empowerment Prayer
She is Maiden, Mother and Crone
In one…
You will recognize her because she
makes genuine eye contact with whomever she meets…
She is not afraid to be direct and honest about how she feels
She charts her own course
And is willing to meet whatever comes
Because she has faith in her Journey
She’s aware of her own strength
She delights in enabling the well-being and the empowerment of others
But she refuses to subject herself to energy drainers…
She sees through bullshit instantly
She knows how to protect herself
She is obedient to her own inner knowing,
She is willing to break the rules made by others
in order to be authentic to herself
Her truth comes directly through her heart
She uses her mind as the servant to manifest it
She is inwardly and outwardly Aware
She responds more than she reacts
She no longer waters illusory drama
She no longer feels the need to control what is
She is deeply connected to her creative source
She is her own work of art in progress
She can create beauty from whatever is in front of her
She is in tune with her intuition and instinctual body
She lives in the present
Because she is willing to relinquish the past
And allow the future the space it needs to unfold
She understands that life is an ever changing flow from one moment to the next…
She willingly goes with it.
She feels deeply connected to the earth and stays close to nature,
She recognizes that she is not separate from it…
Being connected to nature is essential for her health and well-being
She has simplified her life
Released the non-essentials so that she can be spacious and free
She values her aloneness,
She waters her Soul with it
But she also
values quality time with like minded Souls
She doesn’t need a man to complete her
Her relationships are on an equal basis of respect and sharing
Unbridled sensual pleasure…
She has no time for gossip
She’s invested in raising the Sisterhood up rather than cutting it down
She celebrates the Beauty and Power in other Women
She celebrates the Beauty and Power within herself
She is just as willing to receive as she is to give
She fills her own cup for herself and overflows it for others
She understands the futility of unsolicited advice
So she shares her wisdom through living it
She envisions the Healing of the world
She offers her gifts as a contribution towards it
Love is her religion
Unity is her gospel
Laughter is her Grace
She loves to play through her inner child
Sing and dance through her inner maiden
She nurtures her body mind and spirit daily through her inner mother
Others seek her for her Wisdom
Are irresistibly drawn to her unpredictable Mystery
They feel seen and accepted in her steady gaze…
Peaceful in her Sacred Space
They are shocked by her irreverent humor
But secretly inspired, uplifted,
Given permission to be themselves
She is Maiden, Mother and Crone
In one
She is Goddess
~Caroline de Lisser