Last week I went to see my sleep doctor to update him on my progress with my CPAP machine. I have a new air delivery system called a “nasal pillow”, which is much better than my mask. It doesn’t hurt the bridge of my nose, it doesn’t make my face break out, and it doesn’t at all make me feel as though I’m inserting two tiny rubber penises into my nose every night. Oh, no wait-it DOES do that. But I digress.
Even though I had to get on 3 different highways and drive to what felt like Alabama to get to his office, I was looking forward to this appointment because I would also get to report progress on my WEIGHT LOSS.
So I got checked in, and the nurse put me in the examination room, and the doctor came in, and we began to chat, and then he asked how things had been going for me, and I got to say, “I joined Weight Watchers and I have lost 18 pounds since February!!”
And do you know what his response was, this health care professional, this man who was supposed to be dedicated to my health and well-being, this man who had told me to lose weight in the first place to see if it helped to relieve my sleep apnea?
“Hm. On purpose?”
On. Purpose.
Then he told me that I was one of, like, less than 1% of people who actually did what he told them to.
Really? Hm. I wonder why that could be?
lol on purpose? how else? by accident? I suppose if it was unexpected, i’m sure you would not have said it like you did. LOL damn doctors
Oh Jenny! how wonderful!! I think you might have mentioned Weight Watchers before, but i’m not sure i saw/heard about the 18 lbs. YEA YOU!!
and, um..the penises up your nose thing..yuck..
gotta agree with yoshi above damn doctors! jeez
Yes, but consider the doctor’s perspective. Weight loss can be a symptom of cancer or a digestive disorder. Besides, he probably doesn’t remember you too well from before.
“Nasal pillows” — that’s a contender for Euphemism Of The Year, isn’t it?! I hope they work out for you. That part about your face breaking out might be from a staph infection! I’ve gotten that twice already when my mask came into contact with its travel bag.