Today I am very grateful for my coach.
When she heard about my severe sleep apnea her first thought was, “Wow. Imagine the amazing things she’s gonna do when she’s rested!”
That was really nice to hear, because when I got the results of my sleep study, my first thought was
Thinking that thought was a lot like kicking a tiny pebble and accidentally dislodging an avalanche.
Suddenly it was as if I’d woken up one day, and everything was wrong with me.
If I could, just out of the blue, contract a serious intestinal bacteria, then what else could happen to me?
If suddenly my sleep is all wrong, then what else could go wrong with me?
If Heath Ledger could drop dead in the blink of an eye, then I could too.
Suddenly, all I could see was evidence for being weak and sickly. But that’s not what my coach saw.
She said, “Look at everything you’ve done, even though you’ve been completely exhausted!”
This is true. Even if I haven’t really slept for the past thirty-five years, I have done an awful lot of amazing things. I do have a pretty fantastic life.
She said, “You’ve had relatively good health over they years, given how impaired your sleep has been. To me, that is evidence of how strong your body is.”
Also true.
She said, “Once you get your sleep apnea treated, world domination is just around the corner!”
That sounds good to me.
Good luck and God bless you! Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
Sometimes I think I have that too. Maybe i’ll have to check that out. Or maybe i just don’t know how to sleep.
You’ll have to compete with me for world domination though. I’m still working on that.
You are FREAKING amazing. I’m sitting here with a stiff neck and it’s making me cranky. But I will go home tonight and sleep. And as I am falling asleep, I will send you loving energy for a quiet night.
lol!!!! Sleep apnea handled, world domination around the corner.
Of course.
Are you beginning to imagine how great you’re going to feel everyday, how naturally that anxiety will wither and die, how awesome life is going to be, just because you’re rested?
That, my friend, is world domination 🙂