If you’ve hung out here for any length of time, you have heard me talk about Lynne and all the work we do together. Lynne is a Personal Life Coach and Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Practitioner. But as we’ve been working together now for 11 years, she has become so much more for me-wise older sister, mentor, the one who kicks me in the pants when I need it, and irreverent co-conspirator. So I am delighted to announce that she has generously contributed a new prize to our Birthday Drawing. She is donating a coaching package of 3 sessions-her regular free introductory session (which she offers to anyone who would like to get a taste of what it’s like to work with her) and 2 additional sessions (value of $190.00). As a Life coach and Certified EFT Practitioner Lynne works with:
- People who can feel life’s possibilities right in front of them but also feel like they are being held back by the same old limiting thoughts and beliefs.
- People who are struggling with childhood experiences, hereditary issues, aspects in their conscious awareness or cellular awareness – where revisiting the issues doesn’t seem to help – but they know that they need to get past these things in order live their best life.
- People dealing with illness or chronic illness (whether in their own lives or a loved one’s life) who want to find a gentler way of managing the chaos and stress this puts on their lives.
- People who want to transform their relationship with their body
- People who want a more connected experience with their own spirituality but they just can’t stomach all of the “airy-fairy” stuff that asks them to ignore the realities of daily life.
- Parents who feel like they are locked in a battle with their kids and their kids are winning
- People who want to have healthy and thriving relationships
As Lynne and I have been working together for so long, you know I can’t recommend her highly enough. So go check out her website, and see if she might be a right fit for you!
Sounds amazing!!! Wish I didn’t also have Psoriasis (palmoplantar pustulosis). The amount of doctors I’ve been visiting lately has left a real crimp is finances. But it’s now on my wish list!