Because one day you might walk into your kitchen feeling cranky about cooking, and when your husband asks you what you want to make for dinner, declare, “I want the food fairy to bring us something to eat”, to which your husband might callously reply that, “there is no such thing as a food fairy”, and then unsuspectingly turn on the burner of your stove that is occasionally taken over by the gods of fire and destruction, causing an extremely ominous POOF! to echo throughout the kitchen and leaving an unresponsive appliance in its wake, at which point you look at each other and and ask, “Chinese?”, so that in an odd way the food fairy does save you from having to cook that evening, but with the consequence that Santa has to spend part of his dedicated Christmas budget on a new oven.
So let this be a lesson to you. Be careful what you say: the food fairy works in mysterious ways.
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