A collection of small treasures I’ve found while out and about.
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Fun Finds:
Last month I turned 42, which I’ve been told is the answer to everything. I haven’t found that to be quite the case, but it’s early days yet-I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
It does seem that every time I turn around I find another article about Generation X-ers and how we are embarking upon middle age, so I’m including a few of my favorites here.
-I know I’m late on this, but I love this comparison between Halloween for Kids in the ’70s vs. Halloween Today.
-Generation X’s journey from jaded to sated discusses how we’re coming to terms with this next stage of life:
Boomers cry “More, more, more!” and Millennials whine “Me, me, me!” But Gen Xers know when to say “Meh”
“Because of this, we’ve learned not to get too attached. And because of this, we’re content.
Does that mean we’re above reproach? Of course not. We Xers can be aloof and arrogant. We tend to name our dogs after people (“Meet my pug: Zachary Jones.”) and our kids after dogs (“This is my oldest: Howl.”). We get misty over the smell of Aqua Net. And if acid wash jeans come back, we’ll be the first to have them on, no matter our age, particularly if they are ripped at the knee to reveal thermal underwear.
But all of us aged 36-ish to 51-ish should be pretty proud of learning how to “let go and let life.” It’s been a hard-fought battle, and we’ve got the untouched scars to prove it. We don’t need an award—we’ve never even owned a trophy case—so please hold your applause. We’ll just celebrate it quietly, right here, in our hammock of “just fine”, murmuring our “Meh, meh, mehs” while we DVR another generation’s biting reality.”
–What you learn in your 40s and 40 Things I Can Do at 40 That I Couldn’t Do When I Was 20 celebrate wisdom gained from our 4 decades of life.
-And 40 Effed Up Things About Being 40 highlights the other side of the coin.
This week, in honor of all those who take care of us, here’s A Not-To-Do List For Caregivers of the Chronically Ill.
Trying to exercise around cats. Mwa ha ha ha ha.
42 is only the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. No one ever found out what the question was.