As you may know if you’ve been hanging out here for a while, my husband is an avid gamer. And while I’ve dabbled in gaming myself, I much prefer to be the audience or, as I call it, his “gaming groupie.” A lot of the games have really good stories which completely suck me in, except for the times when I MUST SPEAK IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS TO DENOUNCE THE EXPLOITATION, ICKY SEXUALIZATION, AND BASIC PORTRAYAL OF WOMEN IN VIDEO GAMES. It’s a fine line.
Right now he is playing a game called “Tales of Vesperia”, and I am so excited to watch it because, in addition to its fun story, there is a actually a realistically dressed and proportioned female character whose weapon is the power of her mind. Not a power as in being able to kill someone using only her thoughts. No-her weapon is her intellect. As in, she hurls mathematical equations at all the monsters, and they die a painful, agonizing death.
Now, leaving aside the fact that this so clearly and accurately depicts exactly how I felt in every single math class I ever took, and I am struck by the occasional traumatic flashback as I’m watching, how cool would this kind of super power be?!
In the throes of some road rage? Well then-let me tase you with some Irregular Verb Forms.
Trying to rob a bank? Then expect some serious Stem Changing Verbs coming your way.
And people-don’t even make me go all Pluperfect Subjunctive on your ass.
But alas, we have not as yet reached this enlightened kind of society. So until then we can only dream of life, liberty, and Perfect Grammar for all.
Three cheers for Grammar Girl! She is my hero.