Unfortunately, we couldn’t go to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving this year thanks to my unexpected tooth surgery. But because of the magic of Skype, we were able to visit with my family that afternoon.
My little, 18-month old nephew was there, and having recently gotten steady enough on his feet to RUUUUUUUNNNNNNN! everywhere, I mostly just saw the top of his little blond head whiz by from time to time.
His parents were eventually able to get him to sit on Grandma’s lap for a few minutes so they could show off his latest tricks.
“Hey, buddy,” prompted my brother, “can you show us your teeth? Where are you teeth?”
And the baby clicked his teeth together for us.
“Good job, buddy! And where’s your tongue?”
And the baby stuck out his tongue.
And then, in the middle of our mad cheering and clapping, I heard my brother say, “Hey, buddy-where’s your peepster?”
“Yes,” said my sister-in-law as we all fell on the floor laughing, “we’re part of the new wave of parenting. We don’t teach him things like arms and feet-just the really important parts.”
“Well,” said my dad, summing things up in his position as family patriarch, “that one’s definitely a keepster.”
Baffled says
Hope you had a wonderful holiday. I just selected you for a Liebster Blog Award since your blog is one of my favorites. I always look forward to your posts.
Here is an excerpt from my post http://infinatedays.blogspot.com/2012/01/liebster-blog-award.html
The idea of the Liebster Award is to get the word out about blogs you love to read. The rules are simple:
1) List five blogs you enjoy reading.
2) Let the author know you’ve selected them for the award.
3) Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4) Hope the recipients will pass it along to their five favs.
Cranky Fibro Girl: While Jenny doesn’t post often I love her wry whit. Her posts often have me in tears from laughing so hard. A fellow geek girl with a great sense of humor.