So the other day I was stupid (SHOCKER!).
After about 10 days of actually being able to get out of the house and go to actual, live events and interact with actual, live human beings, my fibro reared up and said, “ENOUGH!”
And so I planned a day of rest.
Which to me, of course meant, “Don’t take your pain medicine in the morning, because you will be driving yourself to the bookstore-the one that involves driving up the highway to get to-so that you can finally buy that book you’ve been thinking about for the past week. And then, five hours later, be crying and in excruciating pain. Without even having made it to the bookstore.”
Because unfortunately, as Lynne frequently reminds me, “Pain makes you stupid.” Meaning that, after your pain gets to a certain level, you truly do become unable to access your higher brain functions. And then you forget how to take care of yourself and do really stupid things like suffer for five hours with excruciating pain instead of taking your pain medicine.
And the really sad thing was that I knew that I was going to do exactly the same thing the next day, and the day after that, if I didn’t stage some sort of intervention for myself.
So I called my husband and explained the situation to him, and after he reminded me to TAKE YOUR DAMN PAIN MEDICINE ALREADY, WOMAN!, he agreed to take me to the bookstore that evening in order to preempt further stupidity on my part. Because he’s nice like that.
As he’d never been with me to this particular bookstore before, I did my best to provide him with directions, part of which included the fact that, “it’s in the same shopping center as the Best Buy.”
And while he has been to that particular shopping center before, he’d never been to that store before. So he didn’t believe me. Even though I have been to that bookstore, on multiple occasions, and so I clearly knew what I was talking about.
Finally we got close enough to see the store from where we were, but even then, when I pointed out the actual, physical building to him, he still didn’t believe me.
“Look,” I finally said in frustration, “I know what I’m talking about. They’re in the same shopping center.”
“All right,” my husband grudgingly granted me, “but when we get there, I’D BETTER SEE CONTIGUOUS PARKING LOT.”
We are such dorks, I know. But I’m also pretty sure that no one else ever has as much fun as we do.
I love the exchanges between you and your husband. They are awesome. And do, please take your medication!
Yep, pain makes you stupid… though in my case, it just makes me a slightly less intelligent raging bitch. Wow, do I get angry when I’m in pain. It’s my complete and utter exhaustion that turns me into a drooling moron. Dang, fibro is so much fun. Not.
Pain DOES make you stupid. I totally agree with that. I love your first line, by the way. Gave me a good laugh.
Your husband sounds like a cool dude.
Once again you completely capture an absolute truth. My husband and I almost had a fight the other night because I was too tired to go to bed.
Let me say that again: Too Tired To Go To Bed.
Pain makes us stupid. Add brain fog and insomnia and it makes us completely fruit loops.