or, “preventing me from taking those first, perilous steps down the road of Accidentally Becoming A Lying Sack Of Sh*t”.
My husband calls me from work to check on me.
My husband: “So what’s your pain level?”
Me: “Actually, I’m not having any pain.”
My husband: “Great!”
Me: “Although I do have a really bad headache.”
My husband: pauses for a beat
My husband: “And that doesn’t count as pain?”
Me: “Hm…I guess I never thought about it like that.”
This morning:
My husband is getting ready to leave for work.
My husband: “So what’s your pain level?”
Me: actually taking time to tune into my body
Me: “Time to take an Ultram-level.”
My husband: watches to make sure I actually do, since pain flare-ups frequently result in the loss of my short-term memory
Me: “You know, it’s a good thing you asked, because I knew I was in pain, but I was just gonna wait to see if got better on its own.”
My husband: “What a surprise.”
Your post made me laugh. You sound just like me. I keep telling everyone I’m just tired and not in pain but in reality things are hurting all the time I just ignore them. At this point it has turned into background noise. I think it would feel strange indeed if I had a day where nothing hurt. Talking of that I need to go take some pain meds before this headache becomes unmanagable.
I need someone like that! My husband is more of the stiff upper lip just get on with it variety.
This helps when I’m afraid I’m becoming too dependent on meds, but yesterday I forgot to have any with me and man did I miss them. At least I found out just how bad it is without the Tramadol and that I’m not taking doses just for the hell of it.
Thanks for making me laugh through my current flare. Short, simple and sure to put a smile on my face.
Yep……….that’s it! Why we continue to think it will get better on its own rather than taking the medication? I have no idea!!