Dear The Latest Person Giving Me Unasked-For Advice On How I SHOULD Be Treating My Fibromyalgia: June 16, 2010 By Jenny Ryan 2 Comments While I’m sure that your motives (probably) are good, I can GUARAN-DAMN-TEE you that attending your Twelve Step Church will not cure me of my fibromyalgia. Not. Gonna Happen.
Julie says June 16, 2010 at 1:11 pm I appreciate that people want to help. But I wish they’d 1) use some brains and 2) assume that I’m not an idiot. So sorry you got hit with ass-vice!
Nathan Briggs says
Teh stupid, it burns
Julie says
I appreciate that people want to help. But I wish they’d 1) use some brains and 2) assume that I’m not an idiot.
So sorry you got hit with ass-vice!