Sweetie, you are going through so much right now. And beating yourself up over all the things that aren’t getting done is just wounding you more and making you feel so much worse.
Remember how, when you are having fibromyalgia burning, and the kind of exhaustion that you can feel in your bones, and are recovering from major surgery, that this is the time that you are extra vulnerable, and so this is the time that we stay away from our blog, and any classes, and email, and housework, and the computer?
And remember that you have a fantastic husband who just needs you to ask him to do something, and then he is happy to take care of it? Remember that you guys are a great team, and that you do things together? No one has to go it alone around here.
And finally, remember all the other times when you have been in this same place, but that it didn’t last forever, and eventually you were back, feeling great, and ready for all the work you love to do?
If not, I’ll remember this for you, until it comes back around again this time.
Remember that you are very loved. And completely supported.
These are good things to remind yourself. Thanks for sharing. 🙂