Lynne: “So, how have you been?”
Me: “Well, I almost emailed you to ask you if 5 days was too long to take to recover from two months of excruciating pain.”
Lynne: snorting and choking on her drink
Me: “But then I heard your voice in my head, so I didn’t”
Lynne: “And did you hear the cackling laughter?”
Me: “I did.”
Lynne: “Good.”
Lynne: “So how are you doing?”
Me: “Pretty good. The pain’s not really that bad. I’ve only had to take two or three Ultram today.”
Lynne: “Really?”
Me: “Hm. I guess maybe the pain is that bad.”
Lynne: “Maybe so. Remember that you have that new prescription.”
Me: “Oh yeah.”
Lynne: “So have you filled it yet?”
Me. “No. I think about it, and I’ve come close a couple of times. But I haven’t done it.”
Lynne: “Well call your husband right now and ask him to fill it for you so that next time you can COME CLOSE TO TAKING IT!”
Glad my brilliant words of wisdom helped 😉