So I’ve been thinking a lot about my body lately- and honestly, I KNOW that you’re just as tired of reading that as I am of writing it, but, oh well, that’s what’s up for me these days.
I am especially thinking about my body after last night, when my husband and I were eating pizza and bread sticks from Pizza Hut. As I was preparing to divide up the “dipping sauce”, my husband said, “Oh, you can have all of it,” and my body apparently decided to celebrate this generosity by causing me to dump half the container all over the fingers of my left hand, and, HOLY MOTHER is that stuff hot. I don’t have a history of burning myself (although I did once staple my own thumb on purpose, just out of curiosity to see what it felt like, which is really neither here nor there, but this is probably the best opportunity I will ever have to work it in in even a remotely tangential way to any story), and so this might have been the first burn I ever received in my 36 years, but from somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I remembered hearing something about putting butter on burns.
But thank goodness for Google, which I checked before I did anything, because apparently putting butter on burns is only The Worst Thing You Could Possibly Do, and Google was all, “Um, hi-welcome to the 21st century,” and I was like, “Wow-so this is what modern health care looks like!”
I feel like I’m coming out of some weird alternate universe after these past 2 years of being sick, which means I’m having to become reacquainted with my body. I don’t really know what to expect, and I also don’t really know what it can or can’t do yet. I do, however, know that the one place I am not going to for help with this situation is any kind of medical, health, or nutritional “authority”. Because all of those people so obviously go out and smoke a gigantic bowl of crack before they come back and make their “official” proclamations, which we are all then supposed to unquestioningly follow. Here’s a perfect example of what I mean.
You know that whole stupid chart doctors pull out that supposedly tell you what weight you should be according to your height? Well back when I was in high school (’86-’90) it said that a woman who was 5 ft. tall should ideally weigh 100 lbs. And then for every inch of height after that, you would add 5 lbs. So according to this plan I, as a 5’2″ female, should weigh only 110 pounds. Which will clearly only happen in the event that I suddenly become a refugee or a prisoner-of-war. Apparently the people (most likely MALE people) who compiled this chart were unaware of the fact that women are actually 3-dimensional beings.
Now we do have a friend who is only 5 ft. tall, and probably does weigh only 100 lbs., but she is definitely the exception rather than the rule, and I’m pretty sure that’s because she was constructed using only the bones of one tiny sparrow and a few golden clouds. She is very tiny and very cute-like a miniature doll you might want to pick up and keep in your pocket. And as a matter of fact she frequently has random strange men come up to her and tell her this very thing. That is, of course, the very last thing they say, right before she kills them and feeds their bodies to sharks. Which they clearly deserve because, seriously-that’s just creepy.
Of course, if I really want to feel badly about myself, I need look no further than my grandmother, who, when in college, was featured as one of LOOK Magazine’s “Most Beautiful College Girls of 1941”. (And while we’re on the subject her husband, my grandfather,was a Double Ace in World War II, a well-known criminal attorney, and once tried a case in front of the Supreme Court.) So I guess you could say that THE BAR’S BEEN SET KIND OF HIGH IN OUR FAMILY, as far as notoriety and life achievements go. Which probably goes a long way towards explaining why it is So Very Hard for me to just rest and recover, given all these inherited genes that want to be out conquering the world. (Oh, and speaking of worlds, have I mentioned that on the other side of my family I can trace my ancestry back to the Mayflower through four separate family lines? Four separate ancestors who ACTUALLY DID go out and conquer a new world? Seriously, it is a freaking miracle that my brain has not literally exploded all over my office, which is where I spend most of my days, totally not resting.)
It’s really f*&%ing stressful that my biggest accomplishment of late is figuring out what adjustments I needed to make in my daily treatment program that would allow me to once again have normal, rather than clown-sized, hands and feet, given this whole family legacy, as well as the fact that in his current postdoc position my brother routinely solves math problems where x=The Universe and Y=The Current Vibrational Level Of Human Consciousness.
Oh well, at least I still have some things: sarcasm, crankiness, and the ability to find a way to mock just about anything. And I’m still the first person people go to for entertainment, and for sharing the wacky things they see in life. Because, as my mom says, “You are the ‘Ass Person’ in the family.” (Truly, is there a better, more multi-purpose word in the English language than ‘ass’? I think not.)
Ha-take that, Pilgrims!
Your MOM declared you the ass person for the FAMILY! Jenny, that way outshines an old WWII ace/lawyer, magazine beauty, post doc smarty, pilgrim pants and anything else – I mean c’mon! Those folks have got to be high-fiving in their graves (well, not your bro) – shouting: “she’s one of OURs!!!” I’m jealous – my mom might say I AM an ass, but that’s dif…
You’re right, that is a pretty high position to hold, being The Ass Person-and I am so good at it! 🙂
Too funny!! I can only wonder what the woman in the next cube was thinking as she listened to my hysterical laughter. Not a lot of laughter at work, usually.
You have a unique position in your family. Without you, so many great stories would be lost. You’re a terrific writer. Which means we can ALL enjoy the funny/looney/crazy scenes because you paint such a perfect picture with words. You have gifts that so many would love to have – so think of that when you’re tempted to compare yourself to others. Love, skogie
Aw, thanks! 🙂
My parents’ genes didn’t come over on the Mayflower, but I somehow inherited the Thou-Shalt-Never-Rest Gene, too. (In fact, I just published a blog post on this very subject today.)
I sometimes wonder if all the medical issues **I’ve** developed over the last decade are my body’s way of getting me to slow down because I’m not listening to it any other way.
(I am in NO WAY implying this about you, Jenny!)
Thanks for making me laugh yet again!
Oh, Michelle, I know exactly what you’re talking about!
I kind of imagine that fibro is my body’s way of saying, “HELLO! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?”
Hahaha I love how you talked about me.
I’m actually only 4’11” and yes, I weigh roughly 100 lbs. Hey! That means I’m overweight! Oh no! I should kill someone just for trying to tell me how much junk I’m supposed to have in my trunk. I like my “extra 5 lbs”. You know why? Because thats an extra 5 pounds of BIG WHITE TITTIES that Japanese women will never have. Eat that, bullshit weight chart.
“Eat that, bullshit weight chart.”
See, I wish I’d thought to say that myself in the FIRST place. You always know the perfect way to respond to shit like this.
I finally know why your body finds it so easy to self-destruct. It’s those high-falutin genes from opposing sides of your family. They’re duking it out inside of you playing a biological game of oneupmanship, and trashing your innards as a result.
I, too, feel inadequate in my family. All the males can belch louder than me.
Thanks for this: “Because all of those people so obviously go out and smoke a gigantic bowl of crack before they come back and make their “official” proclamations, which we are all then supposed to unquestioningly follow.” I nearly spit my health green tea out all over my monitor when I read this.
Oh, I think you’re right-that makes so much sense! My genes are pretty competitive.
I hope your monitor survived intact. I love it when my writing can entertain like that 🙂
I have completely and utterly enjoyed your rantings and ravings and your honesty! Thank you!
Within the past year, I also have just ‘come out’ of being sick and have had to continually ask myself – is this taking care of me? At all? Like even a smidge? And then learning what taking care of me really means….one slow shuffling step at a time.
Two weeks ago I fractured my foot so I have had PLENTY of time to sit/ponder/over-analyze/worry/pull my hair out/sleep (or try to)/and ask myself what I want in life. I have actually come up with most every thing that makes up your physical base as a human – 2nd job, living space and certain relationships have all gone to s*&t! I am thankful for the time off. I just don’t know where it is going to lead.
Yay for me and to the journey….yay.
Thanks so much, Maya 🙂
Yes, it is definitely a journey. Sometimes a very l-o-n-g one.