You know those days where you sit down and look at your blog, and you realize that there are like 80 billion humor bloggers out there, and apparently they must know something you don’t because they seem to be getting all of the traffic, and so you decide that must mean that you really suck at this, and so you decide to murder your blog and eliminate any evidence indicating that you ever had any sort of online presence whatsoever, and the only thing you can think of to help you go on is to ask your ex-tre-me-ly long-suffering husband to put a picture of Adam Baldwin on your desktop, which is nothing against your husband, but given that he is the only person in your household with a job, and the one who earns the money that allows you to continue living in a house, and not in a box on the street, it’s not exactly like he can stand around all day and be your own Personal Internet Cheerleader, and then you get a sinus infection and have to take antibiotics, and then all of a sudden you are plunged into a severe depression, as severe as you’ve ever been through before, and it absolutely terrifies you, because what if you’ve somehow broken your medicine, and now there’s nothing else that can help you, and this is how the rest of your life is going to be, and then you talk to your coach about it and she says, “You know, I just read that for some people going on antibiotics causes them to spiral down into depression like that,” and you think, “Wow-that sure would’ve been some great information to have a few days ago!”, and so as you are recovering you decide that maybe eating some fresh fruits and vegetables would help, so you go to the grocery store to pick up some green peppers and ranch dressing, but then you are standing in front of the display and there are too many dressings to choose from, and so you start to cry because you just want someone to tell you what to do, and WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SO HARD?!, and then you are so happy to return home, until you are reminded that your house is so, SO hot, you don’t know why, but clearly the only option left is for you to live naked on your bathroom floor until October, and hope that your husband doesn’t mind occasionally airlifting in some food for you, and then, and you have no idea why it took you THE ENTIRE SUMMER to realize it, even though between the two of you you hold two Master’s Degrees, and one of you (not naming any names or anything), is an actual engineer, but you finally figure out that the batteries in the thermostat don’t work, and that the ceiling fans have all been circulating the air up instead of down, and then there is nothing left for you to do except to write about it on your blog, the blog that you are most likely going to erase just as soon as you can work up the energy to do anything more strenuous than lying prostrate on the nearest flat surface?
Yeah, me too.
I love your Blog. I just happened to stumble on a few days ago, and I can’t stop reading. My favorite so far is the Purina Diet. I think I laughed for a least 10 minutes. I even made my hubby pause a movie he was watching so I could read it to him. Don’t give up blogging, you have too much to offer. And please don’t delete it I haven’t made it to the beginning yet. 😀
Oh, thank you so much-you have no idea how much your comment brightened my day!
Also, I don’t think my husband would actually let me pull the plug-he is the IT department around here, so if he really wanted to he could cut off my access until I came back to my senses 😛
Thanks again-it’s nice to know that I’m not just sending my words out into a giant black hole 🙂
Oh Jenny, I am so damn sorry that August has been so damn hard. I echo everything Nicole up above said. Stay the course, please! There may be umpteen million other humor blogs but YOU are my humor blog and i have no other.
Remember that poster with the cat hanging on the branch with that trite quote underneath? yeah, that one. “Hang in there…”
Oh, thank you so much! You guys have helped me SO much. You’ve made my heart feel so much better 🙂
That was just one long run on sentence, wasn’t it! Cool!
Thermostats have batteries? Egads, my wife is going to kill me if she finds out. Maybe I can blame it on a loose wire, like when the garage door opener keypad didn’t work.
So in July my blog had 4.16 average daily visitors & 8.45 average daily page views. I can’t believe yours had fewer?!? Aren’t you famous?
Aw, thanks! Actually, I had to stop looking at my site statistics because I got so stressed out.
I am lucky to have such great readers as you guys 🙂