Me: (lying on the couch, attempting to relax)
Me: (unable to do so, because of the pounding, repetitive baseline that has been emanating from my husband’s office for what seems like the past 7 years)
So I went to his office to share with him my nervous breakdown due to sensory overwhelm investigate
My husband: “Hey, baby, what’s up?”
Me: “Your music makes me want to stab myself in the face.”
My husband: “Excuse me?”
Me: “It sounds like you’ve just been listening to the same song OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN for like, the past hour. Dar nar nar nar NAR NAR! Dar nar nar nar NAR NAR! What is that?”
My husband: (checking iTunes): “It is a jam session by Albert Collins. Apparently it’s been playing for 34 minutes, and it has 22 minutes left to go.”
Me: (whimpering)
My husband: “It’s great. I love it.”
Me: “No. It’s like someone is taking a sledgehammer to my spine.”
My husband: “Cool! Now I know what to play on our next car trip.”
Headphones make a great un-birthday present! 🙂