Fur Babies
March 17
8:04am Dear Tigger: Despite what you apparently believe, my office isn’t a playground for the expression of your wanton appetites of destruction.
3:48om Dear Pip: Despite popular belief, the guest bathroom counter does not exist solely for your barfing pleasure.
5:41 pm Dear Bailey: Despite what you may believe, splaying yourself across my desk while I am working will NOT result in an extra can of cat food.
March 19
7:34am Dear Bailey: Why do you think I want you to sleep on my pillow, next to my face, right after you’ve barfed all over the living room? I don’t.
March 21
5:20pm Pip, It’s creepy enough that you lick the top of my chair and rub your face in it in ecstasy. Could you at least wait until I’m OUT of the chair?
8:22pm We just bought a new kind of cat food, and now I cannot stop giggling over the phrase, “meaty bits.” Because I am twelve.
Wild Kingdom
March 17
8:09am I’m pretty sure DH’s wedding vows included “dealing with all bugs”; how did I get stuck with clearing the ant infestation from the tub?
March 18
8:26am Ants are attempting hostile takeover of tub. Baths are cornerstone of my fibro management program. This is going to end badly for someone.
March 19
11:42am Conflict Escalation Update: The Bug Guy has returned to unleash a massive blitzkrieg against the ants in my tub. Don’t mess with my tub!
March 20
9:14am Am worried by my joy as ants perish in the bathroom. Apparently my inner Genghis Khan is coming to the fore.
In Other News
March 15
12:31pm Have finally located some Thin Mints! This day just keeps getting better!
March 17
9:11am It’s official: I’m a knitting school dropout. My inner “Good Student” is not taking it well at all.
11:18am Mint /chocolate levels are restored to acceptable levels. But, I’ve learned there’s a GS cookie WAREHOUSE nearby. How strong can 1 woman be?
March 18
10:55am Running out of things to do to avoid having to schedule my first mammogram.
March 20
9:51am Note to self: Reading self-improvement articles when you’ve hit a 10 on the fibromyalgia pain scale is a REALLY bad idea.
4:12pm Just picked up replacement mirror for the one I broke by whacking it into the side of the garage. ‘Cuz I drive reel gud.
March 21
12:30 pm DH learned newly turned patch of earth is not final resting place of possibly murdered next door neighbor but prep for a tomato patch. Whew!
Living with Twitter truly requires a special gift … an ability to hit the ball in one sentence, so to speak. You seem able to hit home runs.