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He is quite the Renaissance Man.
He can receive the following text from me:
“If I’m asking myself, ‘How much pain should I be able to tolerate before I take any meds?’, is that a sign that I should be taking some meds?
and be just as happy to hear the one (that I am asking for help in taking care of myself) as he is to hear the other (signs of the return of spring).
This sounds like another of your “parallel existence” posts. Except my wife doesn’t do text messaging.
Do you also not drink the effervescent calcium / magnesium supplement drink that the N.D. recommended because it tastes bad? I was happy that my wife did so without my having to “encourage” here.
Our bunny has been showing up all winter. Apparently the best grass to nibble on is right in front of our south-facing bow window. It drives kitty crazy when that bunny shows up there! When bunny gets spooked, it sprints away, and kitty runs down the hallway, thinking he can just head it off in the bedroom.
you HAVE to keep him, jenny!! (and the bunnies, of course, as that is my nickname! and they are sprouting out over here, too. a little family peeked their heads out the other day! i’m in heaven!!) lovelovelove