I am coming off of an exceptionally bad pain week (STUPID FIBRO!!), which has apparently leached away all traces of humor from my system. I really hate that.
But I also hate not posting at all for almost a week.
So for today I will direct you toward this very cool blog I just discovered, whose author, Kendra Thornbury,, recently wrote a terrific post all about freedom, which happens to be my Very Dearest Love, right after Telling Funny Stories.
“What is freedom?” she asks.
And I love her answer to this question:
“In this moment, I think of it as an unrestrained expression of my true self regardless of who I’m around and what is going on and complete ownership of the reality I am creating. It’s feeling contentment with what is and realizing that regardless of what is transpiring, I am at choice. It is residing in the BEingness of my true essence, that which is unwaveringly solid in the greater truth. ”
As my coaching school instructors would say, “I’ll have some of that!”
dear jenny~! i’m pleased that my blog entry on freedom resonated with you! we are designed to know true freedom. thanks for sharing my definition on your blog!
in joy and gratitude,
kendra 🙂
Your referrals are excellent. While traveling this weekend, I looked for the Awe-manac in Barnes & Noble and perused it, lusting after it, but could not purchase it because now you can only travel with your toothbrush and pajamas, unless you pay extra. Also, each page made me feel like my head would explode.
I just joined Kendra Thornbury; this looks excellent … and I have been enjoying a daily dose of Danielle LaPorte ever since you mentioned her, as well. You’re becoming an influence in my life!
Woot!Woot!Woot! to that incredible quote! thanks for sharing it! Sorry to hear about your fibro being a b*#@ch lately – it’s got to be a kicker to knock YOUR humor off…
just this morning i was wondering about you and that sweater..saw your twitter post on the blog here and figured..ohmy..not going well??? if there are pictures of how it’s coming along point me to them, would you??