So the bad news is that it seems I’ve been misdiagnosed for, oh, conservatively speaking, at least the past year.
The good news is that I went to a specialist and am now getting treated for what I actually have.
The bad news is that I have fibromyalgia, which frankly, SUCKS GIANT DONKEY BALLS.
The good news is that if you’re going to get fibro, now is apparently the time to do so, since there are a lot more treatments, including some new medications that allow you to not spend each and every moment in excruciating pain, which ironically makes this the first time I’ve ever been part of a current, leading-edge trend. THANKS, UNIVERSE. HA, HA, THAT’S A GOOD ONE! (Grrr.)
It’s an awful lot to take in, so any prayers/good thoughts/healing energy/holding in the light/chanting/drumming/nakedness/burning stuff, or any application of your particular method of invoking the presence of The Divine on my behalf would be much appreciated.
prayers/good thoughts/healing energy/holding in the light/burning got it ma’am..going to skip on the nakedness (tho it sounds fun), drumming (god forbid, i cannot keep a beat) and chanting (neighbors calling the get the picture?) but you are in my heart..
sounds like you’re grateful for finally knowing what’s up..but what a pain in the #@% – Glad you got the answer, sorry it’s so hard!
off to do the prayers/energy…ah, heck, maybe even the naked thing…
I’m glad you finally have a diagnosis but sad that you have to have a diagnosis in the first place. My prayers are with you!
Ahhhhh. I wish you large bouquets of comfort, patience, spiritual answers, support, sound sleep, and lots of heating pads.
I’m glad to hear you have a legit diagnosis and the wherewithal to see the good and bad news inherent in it. Sending LOTS of healing energies in all forms — I see a bright light shining, getting closer all the time – I think you’re nearing the end of the tunnel, girlfriend – keep on keepin’ on!
Thank you all!
I’m sorry Jenny. All I know about fibromyalgia I learned from drug commercials on cable news networks. I’m glad you have a diagnosis and I’m glad there are new treatments, but so sorry it’s THIS. Thinking of you.
I’ve been praying for you for the past few Sundays.
I’m thinking that my wife will get this DX next. After three neurologists told her she probably has MS, another has said it’s not MS based on her recent 2.5 hour MRI.
Good luck!
I sympathize about the fibro. I also have been diagnosed just recently with it. I suspected it for awhile especially since it runs in my family but it never is easy when it strikes anyway. The changes in the weather just makes it worse. I agree that we are very lucky that we are living in an age where medicine has improved. Sad thing for me is that I already take about a dozen pills for other ailments and so my doc had to really research which way to go. I currently am taking Lyrica as well as a muscle relaxer if needed. How about you? Just wanted to let you know that you have someone in your corner going through the same ordeal. You have all my prayers and good wishes. Gentle Hugs, Lori Ford
You have a very admirable attitude about life!
thank you god!!! now, a name! and then a CURE….and treatment……some RELIEF!!!!!!! oxoxox. burning stuff and running around naked on your behalf, my dear! oxoxoxoxox wendy