Lately my husband has been playing the new video game “Fallout 3”, which takes place in a post-nuclear war world, a war which your character has survived by living underground in a vault. Eventually you escape your vault, come up to the surface, and must undertake various missions assigned to you by different groups of survivors.
As you travel you can acquire various random items that may assist you in carrying out your missions, like food, medicine, and weapons. One such item featured in this game is something called “Nuka-Cola”, which of course warmed the cockles of my soda-loving heart.
“It’s so nice to see that cockroaches are not the only things that survive nuclear war,” I remarked to my husband during a recent gaming session.
“Yes, it’s nice to see that even here, someone is still making soda,” he agreed.
“Because there’s really not much that a Coke can’t fix,” I said, at the exact moment my husband was attacked by a roving gang of fire-breathing ants the size of small houses, who were, ironically, impervious to the powers of soda.
“It’s like French fries,” I said, warming to my subject. “Because you know,” I said, struck with the gravity of the revelation I was about to reveal, “French fries are God’s medicine.”
LOL…we’ve got Fallout 3 (and a whole plethora of other games) and some of them really are excellent. Fallout 3 is a really stunning game – and my other half is a fanboi and has played the other two as well, and he’s just so geeked out at the moment 🙂