Today is the 9-year anniversary of the day I started working at a bookstore and learned that I am not cut out for retail, due to the fact that working with the general public makes me want to stab myself in the face. Repeatedly.
Normally I have no idea when I started working at any of my ill-fated previous jobs, but this one I will remember for a very long time, because of the special event that marked my first anniversary as a bookseller.
It was not cake, or a party, or a special birthday discount on buying books, but rather the fact that the transsexual with whom I worked finally, after many years, received his long-awaited breast implants.
unhuh, but did they try to SHOW you the implants? I had that interesting experience once – and it’s really hard to respectfully decline something like that. People take it so I really liked the person – had no judgments about/or issues with their surgery – but REALLY – I don’t want to see anyone’s implanted, enlarged, decreased, augmented or transplanted body parts EVER!
No, thank goodness! Although we did all skulk around the store for a while in an attempt to unobtrusively view him/her from the side.