Here’s an excerpt from today’s session.
My coach: “So, how are you doing?”
Me: “Not so good. I’m feeling really bad physically.”
My coach: “What’s up?”
Me: “Well, I keep thinking that maybe I don’t actually need to keep taking Ibuprofen for my arthritis. So I keep stopping, and then I’m fine for a few days, and then I start to hurt again.”
My coach: “Why don’t you want to take your medicine?”
Me: “Because for some reason, I just think that I should not take medicine. Also, I just want this to BE BETTER, DAMMIT!”
My coach: “Well, isn’t it better when you take your Ibuprofen?”
Me: (blows a giant raspberry into the phone)
Finally, someone who understand me and my battle with Motrin. It’s not like I think Motrin is for the weak. It just doesn’t occur to me to take it and I feel like my pain should be along the lines of childbirth pain, which it never is.
Well, except for when it was — during childbirth — and even then I wondered if I could do it without pain meds. I could and I did. And it hurt like a bitch. And I did take Motrin. After.
Until I got out of the hospital and then it didn’t occur to me to take it.
It’s a vicious cycle. Right now my back hurts from my weigh workout yesterday and after I read your post (which is a conversation I frequently have with my husband) I took three.
So my back will feel good for about four hours and then I shall struggle through the rest of the day.
Ahhhhhh sometimes the most basic things are the most profound.
You must know though that I can TOTALLY relate. When I used to have all that pain…there were many calls with my girlfriend and she would ask: “Have you taken your pain medication?”
and I would be all….”Noooooooooo”
And she would say: “Won’t it make you feel better?”
And I would say” “Whats your point??????”
It was this weird mental thing….telling me that I didn’t need it.
Even though I really did.
So, Jenny…did you take your ibuprofen today?
Well, too much of a good thing, right?
Taking motrin regularly isn’t good for the stomach and bowel, it can cause irritation.
You might have to alternate tylenol with motrin, that is what I do with my kids when they have a fever.
Ha! I know this feeling well…which is why I actually got distracted from commenting right now and wandered away! I don’t need the Adderall!