Since we are still in the season of reruns due to the lingering effects of the writer’s strike, it seems only fitting that this weekend will consist of a repeat of this from 5 years ago.
“So the Explorer decided to take these long, lonely nights outside and use them to plot against us. And for two years it watched, and waited, and planned, and then…it struck back at us by filling itself up with The Most Repulsive Odor Ever Smelled By Human Beings.
There truly are not words to describe just how vile this odor was. It was so bad that it was an actual physical presence that surrounded the car and bodily repelled people away from it. No one would go near that car, and on the occasions when we had no choice but to drive it somewhere we were shunned, because we smelled just as bad as the car did.
And the Explorer laughed its maniacal, evil-genius laugh.”
Thanks for the laugh. I’m so glad you reran it. 🙂