See this?
This is the lovely contraption I now wear to bed at night.
Oh, and not only do I get to wear that, I also get to wear a mouthpiece that we around here affectionately refer to as, “The Beaver Teeth”, which keeps me from clenching my jaw at night.
Fetching, no?
But even though every time I put this on I feel sort of like a criminal who is so dangerous they must be kept in face restraints at all times (a la Hannibal Lecter), I don’t care.
Are you ready for this?
I. Now. Sleep. At. Night.
It is a MIRACLE!!
There really are no words to describe it, except THANK YOU.
Bless you! I had chronic insomnia for years and can now get enough sleep. So I know what you mean. I’m so happy for you. I also have to wear a mouth guard at night.
My husband and I call these our “Borg Appliances”. As funny looking as it is, it is my dear friend.
I have one of those, too! It’s amazing how much better you can feel during the day when you don’t stop breathing at night.
Did you try a few different masks? Sometimes it’s hard to get a comfortable fit.