And what I learned yesterday was that having diarrhea for 12 days in a row is kind of a bad thing. Who knew?
Just wanted to explain why I’ve disappeared for a while, as all my time and energy is now divided between mainlining Gatorade, waiting to hear which of the wonderful intestinal bacterias such as E Coli or salmonella that I’ve managed to contract, and waiting for some kind of horrific alien to burst forth from my stomach because, seriously, who knows what I could be growing in there?!
Sorry you’ve been sick, but what a delightful description. Thank you. 😉
yes, I too hope you are feeling better. The Hershey Squirts (as our family calls it) just ain’t no fun.
IF it is an alien in there, um, please notify us all.
I love waking up in the morning with my yummy coffee…reading your blog and then….gulp…I think I will skip breakfast…and maybe I don’t want this coffee after all!
So… when I was having radiation for cancer, I started with the ol’ diarrhea for days on end.
After a while I began to feel really strange.
So, one day at my radiation appointment I mentioned that I was suffering in that way.
Quicker than you can say “barium enema”, they had me on meds, adjusted the scope of the radiation, and scolded me for not telling them sooner.
Please get it taken care of. Your bum will thank you.
Why no comments on the next post? I thought it was great…it touched my heart.