Today is my birthday (YAY!), and to celebrate I went to North Carolina last weekend to see my family.
My brother and his wife were there, and as a couple who have been married a little over a year they were discussing all the various adjustments they have been going through as newlyweds. Apparently sleep has been kind of an issue for them, as one of them goes to sleep and stays in the same position all night, and one of them moves around in their sleep. A Lot.
My brother described it in the following way:
“Are you familiar with Restless Leg Syndrome?” he asked us.
We were.
“Well, we’ve decided that [my sister-in-law] has Restless Existence Syndrome.”
Ha! I think I have that too….
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Your powers will be extra good today.
Happy birthday and thanks for the laugh.
Ah, newlyweds.
At least you got a nice trip out of the deal, that’s more than I usually get on my birthdays.
Happy birthday to you! Hope you had a lovely day and was showered with fabulous gifts!
AH… sleeping with our partners…it is cozy and wonderful and then sometimes ya just want to string them up! My fella snores…so, I don’t think I have had a full night sleep since I had my sons…which is 22 years! I think that i need to get him a muzzle!
I cant believe i forgot to wish you a happy birthday. Im such an ass! Happy belated birthday buddy!
Happy belated Birthday…I need to keep up with my BFF a little better don’t I?