Where else would I learn such colorful additions to my vocabulary as the way one of my students recently described a former friend:
“Well, I used to like him. But then he got his man period. And he hasn’t gotten over it yet.”
That really just says it all, doesn’t it?
LOL! My husband has been known to have those. He usually sits around griping about having to mow the lawn, then plays vidoe games all day.
Lol Thanks for making iced-tea go up my nose! I am laughing way too hard. My daughter said one of her best guy friends was a “No-mo” which is apparently a homosexual who doesn’t realize that he is one yet, lol. They should write us a dictionary.
Oh. my. god. this is so funny! Cuz it’s so true. I haven’t heard that phrase for a long time, and I am so happy to be reminded 🙂
I was just thinking the other day that I miss working with teens. They have a great way of describing the world. Love it! All the guys in my life (hubby and 2 sons) have man periods….on a daily basis:)
Ah hormones…don’t ya just love em!