Have you ever had one of those days where you actually fear to go outside because your hair is just basically giving you the finger?
And on one of those days have you then had to spend the entire afternoon in the doctor’s office thanks to the fact that you are experiencing your very first ever, searingly painful, urinary tract infection?
And as you were walking out the door, with the precious, infection-clearing prescription in your hand, did your doctor mention that this problem could be caused by a combination of hot weather and “Wearing Fancy Britches” (meaning non-cotton, non-white underpants)?
Have you ever had one of those days?
Yeah, me too.
Did he really use the phrase “wearing fancy britches?” What exactly does that mean???
I am so sad to say…Yes I have had many of those days but the doctors will say “I am sorry your don’t have a urinary tract infection! Maybe you need to go see a shrink!”
Now I know what my condition is so if I ever have to visit the doctors its just to get a refill for my pain meds…not to be humiliated by some stupid ass doctor telling me the pain is “in my head!”
Actually, my hair is always fabulous…so, I don’t know what that part is like:) hee hee
well, today was officially “Bad Hair Thursday”… so I totally get it.
Fancy britches, indeed!
Welcome to my life….well not the UTI, that is not so much a daily occurance but I think I have given up on ever having a good hair day again! lol