He always sees the good in me.
This weekend we were playing a new video game featuring characters from the X-Men series of comic books. I’m playing as “Storm”, the character who can harness the power of weather.
I’m a bit directionally challenged , so I told him, “It’s a good thing you’re the one in charge of getting us around, because to me it looks like we’ve come back to this same exact room about 27 times.”
“That’s OK, baby,” he replied. “Some of us can read maps, and some of us have lightning.”
I think im going to incorporate that phrase into my daily life. Its very affirming.
From the sound of your recent conversation, you would likely enjoy a book by John and Barbara Pease called
“Why Men Won’t Listren & Women Can’t Read Maps.”
He is a fabulous fella and you are a fabulous babe!
Oh, can you send some rain my way… my lawn really needs a good soakin!?
I love that you two play video games together. I used to play with my sons…it would go something like this:
“Mom, go left and you can get that jewel”
“Oh…okay…here I go!”
“Ah, no mom…the other left!”
Love that! there’s just something about it when a man calls women baby. 🙂