As I came out of my office into the living room on Sunday evening I was informed of the following by one of The Gamers:
“Jenny, I had to fight 30 levels of men in diapers wearing bowls of curry on their head to get here.”
Me (looking up at the television): Yeah, I heard you say that when I was out in the other room, and I was r-e-a-l-l-y hoping that I heard you wrong. But apparently, I did not.
-This “What?!” moment is brought to you by the game Shadow Hearts 2, the game that will make you constantly question your sanity and turn to the people around you to ask, “No, seriously. Am I on drugs?”
One of our friends has just been hired as a police recruit. The following story comes courtesy of her first day on the job.
Police Corporal: Hey, do you have a pair of really nasty jeans in your car?
Our Friend: Um, no.
Police Corporal: Well, you need to get a pair of really nasty jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of shoes that you don’t mind getting really gross and keep them in your trunk.
Our Friend: OK, why?
Police Corporal: Because we might need to send you out into the woods to look for corpses.
“out looking for corpses” is the EXACT reason I decided I was never cut out to be any kind of law enforcement personnel.
A friend of mine returned home from Paris, France and brought a pair of women’s jeans he thought belonged to his new girlfriend. He found them under his hotelroom bed. Only, when he tried to return them, she’d never seen them before!
“Jenny, I had to fight 30 levels of men in diapers wearing bowls of curry on their head to get here.”
I think I need a rest. When I first read that I knew something was wrong (maybe it was the “diapers” that flipped a switch). My first readung was “bowels of curry on their heads…”
Not right. Not right at all.