My Father-In-Law: “You know how optimists say the glass is half empty, and pessimists say the glass is half full?”
My Husband: “Yeah.”
My Father-In-Law: “Do you know what engineers say?”
My Husband: “They say that the glass is too big.”
My Father-In-Law: “Exactly. The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.”
crse says
Ha! I just read a blog where somebody made a comment about someone being a camel violator (to be delicate) and an engineer commented in detail about the physics that would be needed to accomplish such a feat. Love those fellow dorks!
JAM says
I’ve ruined many a good point folks were trying to make, with thinking like this. It’s part of the curse of being an engineer.
Mary says
Good one! My husband (the IT)would probably say something like the glass wouldn’t be half full if it had a good anti virus software installed. 😉
Liara Covert says
Just goes to show that its all in the way you look at it. By the way, hasn’t this engineer ever been told that size isn’t everything?
Administrator says
It’s part of the curse of being an engineer.
an engineer commented in detail about the physics that would be needed to accomplish such a feat. Love those fellow dorks!
Just goes to show that its all in the way you look at it.
Good one!
Yes, my life would be much less entertaining were it not for the presence of engineers.