(For those of you who’ve been following my saga with the imaginary snakes.)
Last week I tried to explain to one of our friends, who also has his pilot’s license, why I just was not OK with him taking my husband up for a ride in his plane:
“It has nothing to do with you (and it really doesn’t). It’s just that deep down in my heart, I truly don’t believe that planes should be able to fly. It really feels like that violates all the laws of nature. I think that the only reason it’s worked so far is that we’re all under some kind of magical spell. And it’s only a matter of time before the spell ends, and all the planes in the world come crashing down.”
Haha! I love it. but probably true. I’ll remember that the next time I fly.
If it didn’t take so long to get places, I wouldn’t fly either. Not my preferred choice of travel. And I’m not sure if I look forward to the ‘transporter’ days ahead. What if something gets left behind?
you know? this is kind of crazy but ive had this exact same fault. Like somehow the laws of gravity that we are breaking are going to catch up with us and its all going to crash to the ground. Strangely though, i still fly.
i meant thought not fault. It was aline on fairly oddparents.
We think alike again! Once time, I actually started talking about how I didn’t believe planes could fly while waiting for takeoff. (I was with a relative who had no such problems.) I realized shortly that I should probably stop talking in case someone around me had a fear of flying and I freaked them out. (I have no fear of flying, I just find it hard to believe that it works.)
I was a math major in colege and understand a lot of physcis. But I just plain don’t get that these machines that weight so many tons can lift off the ground and remain off the ground for hours. It’s inconceivable.
I don’t have a problem flying, but I understand the sentiment. Many famous people would agree with you, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, Ricky Nelson, etc.
…John Denver, JFK Jr. … I really don’t like to fly either but do when I have to. My 6 yr old has flown at least 8 times in her life… she told me recently that she hates to fly.
I think about a story my mom told me. After my dad completed his pilot solo, she reminded him that he had a family and that flying was a threat to that. He ended up haveing other pursuits that he preferred anyway. Some people are inspired by Chicken Little to assume the sky is falling. I invite you to ask why it hasn’t hit you already?