Remember that wonderful commercial from the 80’s?
Remember how we would mock the poor, helpless woman on the floor?
Remember how we become that which we mock? No? Yeah, me neither, until yesterday when I became that woman.
Ten minutes before I was supposed to get on the phone for an important interview regarding the next creative project I’m planning to take on I stood up, my entire lower back seized up, and I was on the kitchen floor. And I couldn’t get up.
I had to crawl on my hands and knees over to the phone to call my husband at work and tell him that, yeah, basically, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.
I had to lie on the kitchen floor to put on my pants. My husband had to put my shoes on for me.
But those of you who know me will not be at all surprised to know that I delayed my husband’s homecoming and my doctor’s appointment in order to give myself enough time to complete my phone interview, because DAMMIT, I AM GONNA ACE THIS THING!
The interview did go really well, and I passed with flying colors. Apparently the extra added challenge of having to find a way to support my own body weight that involved neither sitting nor standing for 30 minutes just gave me the extra oomph! I needed to sail right through.
But it is times like these that makes me wonder how I was ever allowed to be the one in charge of, say, a plant, much less my very own, alleged, grown-up self.
how can you possibly not enter the dorkteenth? You are pure dork gold baby! I cant wait to hear about the next project!
I agree with crse π I hope you feel better, I know how the whole back problem thing goes.
how can you possibly not enter the dorkteenth? You are pure dork gold baby!
I just had too much trouble trying to narrow things down to ONE dork entry! π
Thanks for all the good wishes. I believe I’m finally on the road to recovery. π