All this week I have been working so hard to take care of my back-bending at the knees, not lifting anything heavy, going to physical therapy, etc. I was so proud of myself for taking such good care of my body, until I went yesterday and got a massage. As I was happily relaxing away, suddenly the massage therapist piped up to ask, “Why are you wearing a knot in your ass?”
At first I panicked and thought, “Oh no-did I wear strange underwear?!” But then I realized that no, she was just asking how on earth I had managed to acquire a knot in the muscles of my ass.
“It’s a special talent,” I replied.
“Well, then I wanna see you crack some walnuts,” she declared.
Did I mention that she works in my chiropractor’s office, the office where, ever since I limped in bent over at a 90-degree angle and had to crouch on the floor until the doctor could see me, the receptionist now affectionately refers to me as “Gimpy”?
It’s good to be loved.
Hey gimpy!
I added you to my blogroll! Yipeee!
(And the answer is Decatur!!)
Oh yay-thanks so much! 🙂
I relate all too well to the visits to the chiropractor’s office. I went in on Monday, my lower back was killing me. First thing he said to me, “What’d you do this weekend, Trouble?”
(I’m not Gimpy, I’m Trouble.)
I had to tell him I was doing yard work, and he got that annoying superior “told ya” look…even though I hadn’t been bending at the back!!
Anyway, I felt much better after I left. Much. Better.
Gimpy! LOL!
I was really embarrassed once when we got pregnant with Emma after losing a baby 5 months before.
My OB asked me if this was a planned pregnancy, he knew all my other pregnancies were not. I told him no, it wasn’t planned.
He looked down for a few seconds , probably trying to form this next sentence as tactfully as possible:
“You DO know there is a thing called birth control, RIGHT?”
I was so embarrassed.