Last night I successfully performed my very first stand-up comedy routine at the Punchline here in Atlanta. Even though I did start to lose all feeling in my hands and feet two people before I was supposed to go on, and even though after 6 weeks I still could not work the microphone correctly, I did remember all my lines, and people genuinely laughed.
It was a pretty huge experience for me, and I still haven’t taken everything in yet. So I’ll be back with a more detailed story after I’ve processed things a bit more and figured out how to get all of the spray wax out of my hair (more on that later).
But I did want to let you all know that I survived, and to say THANK YOU!! to everyone who has been so nice and come by to leave me encouraging comments, and to tell you about this one way cool thing that happened last night.
As I was standing outside the Punchline waiting for the show to start, I looked over at the people standing in line and who should I see but the amazingly awesome Miss Doxie, who it turns out is good friends with one of the other members of my class.
After the show I went up to talk to her, and even though she was having a wonderful time preparing for a fun evening of Not Being Accosted By Me, she was totally gracious and friendly, and did not at all mind the fact that I and my spray-waxed, 1980’s-style, frizzy, bushed-out, bouffant-ish hair (pivotal to one of my jokes) came up to confess our undying blog-love for her. Miss Doxie TOTALLY ROCKS!
woohooo! congratulations! Looking forward to hearing the details. 🙂
Jenny, you did great…As did everyone in my opinion. If any of the classmates read this, Thanks for all the support through the past 4 weeks. That support is what makes you come back the next week. I hope to hear and see from all of you again,
Keep Laughin
Whitt(the tall guy)
You rock! You are my guru for trying new things. I hope once i am not getting the life sucked out of me every day by my darling little parasites, I can grow up to be as gutsy as you!
Oh I am so proud and hugely impressed!!! Wow. That is one of those things I always thought about but never made the decision to just DO.
Dude! Congrats!!!! That’s awesome!!! I am so envious! I know that feeling of losing all the feeling in your hands and feet, but the difference between you and me is that you got it back and kept going! I usually flee. Snaps for you!
YAY!!! Congratulations! I can’t wait to hear more about it. I knew you would do awesome! Wish I could have been there live 🙂
Yea you!!!!! Congrats!!!!! You now have total world domination!!!
So proud of you! I knew you’d be awesome! Congrats! 🙂
Wish I could have been there 🙁
WOOT! I can’t wait to hear the details, especially about the fizzed out bouffant wax do. 😀
Wow, a successful standup comic AND hob-nobbing with the famous. As the great philosopher Gomer Pyle would say, SHAZAM!
Congrats to you and your husband for surviving what was obviously a trying time in both lives.
Can you get me Jerry Seinfeld’s autograph?
Oh! Oh! Oh! I have to ask. Did they introduce you by saying, “Let’s give it up for the comedy stylings of Jenny Ry-annnnn!”? I always wondered what exactly a comedy styling was.
Hi Jenny, Just wanted to let you know that I have given you the Thinking Blogger Award 😀
You can see my post here.
Dude, YOU rock! Congratulations on having the balls to do something that I could NEVER EVER DO without (a) crying, (b) vomiting, or (c) dying an instant death. You did an awesome job!
P.S.: When you were up there, did you imagine that the audience didn’t have any clothes on? If you did, make sure you imagined that I was actually wearing a nice bra that night. Because I totally was.