Yesterday I saw a young teenage friend of mine, and at the end of our visit she asked if she could write on my hand. I’ve seen a lot of my tutoring students do this, and I was so excited that apparently I was considered “cool enough” by a 15-year-old to become a part of the Ink-“Tattoos”-On-Your-Hand Club.
“OK, you can be The Pimp,” she said.
“Well, what are the other choices?”
“It’s either ‘Pimp’ or ‘Ho’.”
“Uh, yeah, OK, I’ll take ‘Pimp’.”
So here I am, exercising my positive influence over the younger generation, and once again using my powers for good.
Anthony M says
“It’s either ‘Pimp’ or ‘Ho'” – awesome. It’s even metaphoric and stuff.
Way to show the younger female generation to choose to be entrepreneurs over being working girls. 🙂
Mary (Mert) says
LOL! well, I’d choose pimp too, I’m sure! My husband would be my “b*tch”, which I do call him a lot. I say, get me some Pepsi “b*tch”. I think he actually kind of likes it. 😀
Slick says
No tellin’ what they’d write on my arm 🙂
CRSE says
Hey I call my husband bitch too! You Jenny Ryan are way pimp sistah. And I proud to be pimp widdya
Oh, The Joys says
I’d have gone for “Ho”!
Clairebell says
Well you can always claim to have had enough positive influence that she wanted to be the beater as opposed to the beatee. 🙂
InterstellarLass says
Rick Uyesugi says
Don’t forget tho…pimpin’ ain’t easy.
Rick Uyesugi