Recently I began teaching a Beginning Spanish class to a group of businessmen. This week’s lesson introduced the numbers from 0-20, and in order to help them practice this new vocabulary I had them do some math problems. I thought this would be very helpful, practical information for them since many of the students work as purchasing agents.
“+ is más, and – is menos,” I explained.
Immediately one of the students, who was also the Chief Financial Officer, piped up:
“You don’t need to know más,” he informed the other students, many of whom report directly to him. “You only need to worry about menos.”
That guy sounds like a real gem *rolls eyes* What a dork. ;O)
Actually it was pretty funny, especially since right after that another student said, “Can you tell me how to say another number in Spanish?” I said sure and asked what number, and he said (with a totally straight face) “Frillion”. Then everyone started pretending to be nervous and looking at the CFO and saying things like, “I don’t think we should be talking about those kind of numbers in front of him.”
What’s Spanish for “clever”?
Hi Jenny,
That was very funny !
It brought me back to the years when I taught French !
A had a lot of live wires too !
Take care