Today at the gym.
My trainer: “OK, now I want you to go down into lunge position. And when you’re down I want you to stay down there and just pulse 20 times.”
Me: “We have a name for these at my house.”
My trainer: “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Me: “We call these ‘Pure Evil’.”
As I’m getting ready to do the next set I see my trainer walking towards me with a set of free weights in her hands.
Me: “I wonder what’s worse than pure evil?”
My trainer: “Pure evil with weights?”
I don’t know what I would say if someone told me to get down and “pulse”. I’d probably interpret it as “get down and have a seizure for a while”, which really wouldn’t be much fun or a good workout.
Pure evil is right 😉
I need a trainer SOOO badly.
because without one I”m just doing the “yeah, that’s evil – I can skip evil” routine. *sigh*
haha! why do trainers insist on these horrible things??????? i know, i know they’re good for you lalala, but you’re right, they are EVIL!!!!
Oh yeah. I know what you mean. I went to the gym last night too and I wrote about pure evil today as well!
I think that i would probably laugh if someone said that to me. Just because i’m weird like that. 😛
It just goes to show that trainers are the pure evil, LOL!
I’d probably interpret it as “get down and have a seizure for a while”,
Funny! 😀
I need a trainer SOOO badly.
I will say that I never would have forced myself on my own to do what she makes me do. I like the results, and she enjoys the pain, so really everyone wins.
i know, i know they’re good for you lalala, but you’re right, they are EVIL!!!!
Oh yeah. I know what you mean. I went to the gym last night too
It just goes to show that trainers are the pure evil, LOL!
I think that i would probably laugh if someone said that to me.
Luckily for me she is just as much of a smart ass as I am, so she does not at all mind being referred to in this way, or my sarcastic jokes and responses to her commands.