Right now I am supposed to be coming up with a 2-hour lesson plan for a new Spanish class I’ll be teaching starting tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can only write about verbs and vowels for so long before I start getting antsy and looking around for something else with which to occupy myself, and then before you know it my husband has come home to find that I’ve given away all our pots and pans because they weren’t “pretty enough”.
So in order to keep myself entertained and to circumvent any boredom-inspired domestic disasters, I have been reading back through some of the funny spam messages I’ve gotten recently. Such as,
“fortuitous amputee”: (Really? Because I seriously doubt that’s how they’d describe their situation.)
“thousandth madhouse”: (Yep, that could just be a synonym for “Jenny’s Mind”.)
“hardcore pregnant”: (Is there any other way to be pregnant? Half-assed? Not totally committed yet?)
And in the category of, “If I Never Saw These Words Combined Again, It Would Still Be Too Soon”:
“mother’s soapy enema”, and
“mature grandma”
OMG, Jenny… you get ALL the good spam. The only spam I seem to get is from people who want to make my penis larger. Somehow I don’t think my husband would think THAT was such a good idea!!!
Judy and I must be getting spammed by the same guy! LOL!
Hmmm, soapy enema. Yup, I have to agree with you on that one, Jenny;O)
I’m starting to not feel so bad about my spam. LOL Or perhaps it’s just because mine is in Italian and I don’t know what creepy things they’re saying to me.
I certainly couldn’t put the spam I get onto my blog!! I wish I got funnier ones like that!! Good luck with the lesson plan!
“Mother’s soapy enema.” Now that brings back some memories.
“Mother’s soapy enema.” Now that brings back some memories.
Yeah, sometimes I do get some great spam. At least it’s good for SOMETHING!