What is your most memorable meal? Why?
My most memorable meal was one that I did not actually attend in person. But I still ended up with a great story.
Back in November of 1996, five months after my husband and I got married, our families decided to have Thanksgiving together honor our new union. At the last minute the two of us ended up not being able to go because I got sick. But our families had dinner together anyway.
Included in the invitation was my husband’s eighty-something-year-old grandmother, who when greeting my twenty-year-old brother (whom she had only seen once before, at our wedding, decked out in full wedding regalia) said, “Well hello there. I didn’t recognize you with all your clothes on!”
Read more responses here.
LOL…OMG that is so funny!!!!!!! What a riot. Thank you for sharing that and thank you for parcipating in Blog Fodder this week.
I totally have a picture of your grandma in my head now!
And they say that kids say the darndest things!
Mine’s up too 🙂
Lol! Ah old people always guaranteed to make a party go with a swing :o) Lol! Thanks for sharing that
Grandmothers rock! I’m not happy about getting older, but I’ve seen many similar instances of older family members getting away with great lines like that, when us yung’ns would get the evil eye at the very least. Exception: My older sister is one of those people who can say anything about anybody at any time and get away with it. I’ve never understood it.
Great story.
Brilliant! Like everyone else has said we under estimate the old – they make excellent entertainment and come out with mostly the best lines.
That’s hilarious!!
I’ve now got mine up for the week
How hilarious!
too funny
thanks for visiting me too