(With this post I believe that I have officially given up any remaining moral authority I might once have had to complain about anything that anyone else writes on their blog, ever. So, here we go!)
I’m not sure which of these is worse:
Finding a spot where one of the cats has barfed, or
Coming back later and finding it gone, knowing that neither my husband nor I have done anything to clean it up.
(It’s a very good thing that the cats are so cute!)
How about seeing the dog get up and run to wherever the cat is whenever the cat starts making the “hacking” sound? I’m sure he’s running in there out of concern for the poor cats’ health.
Mine like to lie around and lick the spot on the rug where they barfed, long after the time when I think I’ve got it all cleaned up. It makes my skin crawl to hear the scrape, scrape, scrape of a kitty tongue against carpet fiber and know that the kitty is enjoying the subtle aftertaste of its own puke!
I’m sure he’s running in there out of concern for the poor cats’ health.
Uh…yeah…I’m SURE that’s what it is.
OK, you guys win. Your are way worse than mine!
Oh, yes, my dog does that tongue scraping thing, but he paws at the space too. I just know he’s going to die of Resolve poisoning.
Having just moved into a house with hardwood floors has actually helped resolve much of this problem.