What is the best practical joke you have ever participated in, or one that was done on you?
A couple of weekends ago my husband and I went out for Chinese with a friend of ours. I was off in my own little world (as I frequently am), and eventually I started singing along with the Christmas muzak that was playing in the background.
“Uh, what are you doing, Jenny?” my husband asked me.
“I’m singing along with the Christmas music.”
“What music?”
“You know, the music.” I sang a few additional bars to demonstrate.
“I don’t hear anything.”
This was alarming for a number of reasons. First of all, I wasn’t just hearing a faint tune in my head. I was hearing completely-scored, full-orchestral arrangements. So if I was having delusions or hallucinations, they were pretty far advanced. Second, much of the music I was hearing prominently featured the pan flute, and I was very concerned that my hallucinations chose to express themselves through such an odd instrument.
I tried everything to get them to hear the music. I sang louder. I switched seats with them. I had them stand in different spots in the restaurant. Nothing.
Now I was really freaked out because, as inventive as I am, I could not come up with an explanation for this. Fortunately my husband noticed that I was fast becoming A Woman On The Edge, and before I could announce that I was leaving the restaurant and immediately checking myself into some kind of treatment facility, he let me know that they were just messing with me.
LOL they really had you.
Jokes on me I will let you guess I am blind so you can just immagine what a well meaning hubby could do.
OOooooohhhh. Nice one. That would have messed me up because I actually *do* hear music playing in my head, quite often, though not necessarily with the clarity you described 🙂 I… spoil sport that I am… don’t play practical jokes and rather implore my friends and camarades not to play them on me; but when tasked… I *can* get even — it’s just not a spiral I like to get into. Paleeeze please tell me you’ve plotted your revenge 🙂 I look forward to the sequel 😉
That’s just wrong. Out and out evil (pronounced eee-vil). The payback for public humiliation must be quite severe. Your husband should be watching his step for a while.
The rascals (if I was in person I’d have said worse!) that’s really nasty … don’t they know what/who they were messing with?
Hmm that’s a good one to remember but it needs a room to play out in 😉
Oh man, that’s cold! But it does make a good story. 🙂
Very cute! I can see it happening. I would have been asking people at other tables and would have really embarrased myself!
Mine’s up too – but it’s not great – this was a hard one for me.
Ha! They got ya! It must have been frustrating 🙂
Mine’s up 🙂
How cruel!! But great joke…it’s the sort of thing I’d get done to me!
LOL. That was really good!
Thanks for sharing.
Poor Jenny… we’ll have to get together and see what we can come up with! You know the old saying: “Don’t get mad. Get even!”