Because I was so sick with pneumonia, I had to stop working out for about two months. Today I went to train upper body, and Friday will be the first day I’ve trained lower body since I got sick.
As we were making the appointment for Friday my trainer said, “When we do lower body I’m gonna be nice to you. I’m gonna give you a break in between exercises.”
“Yeah. After every exercise you’re gonna do some abs. That’ll be your break.”
“Uh,…thank you?”
So was the break good too?
Btw: Thanks for the comments on my last Advent post. Another one is on for you to share with your friend:-)
Yea, sounds like his idea of a break might be to break a finger.
Glad to know you’re up and about. And yes, it takes time and lots of patience to get your body all well again. good luck and take care.
So was the break good too?
Actually, I got a migraine so I wasn’t able to work out. So yes, it was nice not to have to do squats. No, it was not fun to have a migraine. 😛
Yea, sounds like his idea of a break might be to break a finger.
So funny that you said that. She actually DID break her finger. But it’s not slowing her down any.
good luck and take care.