It’s been really interesting to watch the progression that my various-and totally inappropriate-spam comments have undergone as spammers continue exploring new ways to get around our filters.
The spam I’ve been receiving lately has turned into a sort of twisted version of Jack Handy’s Deep Thoughts. I’m getting all these weird comments that wouldn’t even make sense in a fortune cookie-things like, “He who to you does an ill turn, you he’ll never forgive.”
Um, what?
It’s like all the spammers got together one day and said, “You know, I bet if we distract all our targets with a stunningly profound opening, they won’t even notice that the rest of our comment is composed entirely of random words we shot out of our patented, ‘Foul Phrase Generator’, plus eleventy-four thousand links to “adult” websites.”
Yeah, right.
And while we’re on the subject of spam, I did experience a karmically perfect moment the other day upon receiving one particular piece of spam. Because the sender? Was “ass”. (See: The Word Ass, My Irrational Love For)
How nice that they embrace their personal ass-ness! I really do hope the prince of nigeria appreciates all that we have done here in the us to save his kingdom is all i have to say about this. (and if i had a penis? i would be completely insecure by now of all the innuendos that it needs to be bigger and more satisfying. Who is referring me for this? Is my spouse secretly dissatisfied?) Now i know if i ever need to contact you all i have to do is put ass in the subject line to make sure you open the mail!
Now i know if i ever need to contact you all i have to do is put ass in the subject line to make sure you open the mail!
Heehee! I just started getting spam that says “about the comment you posted the other day”. I was stupid enough to open that one. On a brighter note, i apparently won the British lottery recently. Which is amazing since I never even bought a lottery ticket.
i apparently won the British lottery recently. Which is amazing since I never even bought a lottery ticket.
That is amazing! Way to go you!