Today my husband called me into the living room to watch the video “White and Nerdy” by Weird Al. And before we go any further, you must stop whatever you are doing right now and watch this video, if only to see Donny Osmond perform the most hysterically awesome Nerdy White Man Dance in the entire history of time.
Then when the video finished, we proceeded to act out our own version of “Nerdy” right in our very own kitchen.
Me: “We need to do some laundry.”
My husband: “Do we have enough detergent?”
Me: “You told me that there was enough for one more load.”
My husband: (eyes me suspiciously)
My husband: “Oh that’s right, what was I thinking? You’ve been knocked out this whole week.”
And it was then that I understood. I have spent the past week recovering from pneumonia, and I have a really hard time being sick because I hate to be bored. So my husband was worried that, despite his prohibition on such activities, I’d snuck behind his back this week and performed housework. Because, sadly enough, that is what I do when I can no longer contain my inner rebel: I look for something to clean.
Me: “Don’t worry, dude. I promise I haven’t done any illicit loads of laundry this week.”
im not sure what is sadder, the fact that you were suspected of doing illicit laundry or the fact that i am beyond suspicion in this area no matter what
I was going to send you a link to that video! My husband saw it and showed it to me and then my next thought was you! (Okay, not quite next, it wasn’t until I went and finally watched it late last week on my own and blogged about it that I thought of you. But anyway, I was going to tell you about it but didn’t have time and now you’ve already found it. It’s the thought that counts, right?)
I love that video. I watched it three times before I noticed that the candle scene makes up a pac-man figure.
the candle scene makes up a pac-man figure.
Cool-I didn’t know that. I’ll have to watch it again and look for that.
It’s the thought that counts, right?
im not sure what is sadder
Oh, I think my trying to sneak around so that I could CLEAN is pretty darn sad 😛