And lo, the heavens did open, and the angels did descend and pour forth their heavenly songs, because today, I created a Podcast. ALL. BY. MY. SELF!
To give you some idea of the magnitude of this achievement, just imagine if a rock, which moments before had been totally inert, suddenly came to life and began to expound on the principles of Quantum Physics in four languages simultaneously. That’s a pretty good metaphor for what happened here today.
A few weeks ago I gave a speech entitled, “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World” at my local Toastmasters club meeting. Me being who I am it was of course a humorous speech, so I knew it would be a perfect complement to the writing I do here on my blog.
And so I am very pleased to present to you here my very first podcast ever, “Black Sheep Girl In A White Sheep World”.
Oh what fun to hear your voice! Delightful talk wish I could have heard it in person.
Girl, you slay me. I just snarfed coffee out my nose when you got to the kitten killer bit.Congrats on acheiving Podcast Mastery!
Thanks so much for listening, AnnMarie!
Thanks so much, Nici-I always aim to entertain!
You know, in my free time, I kill Kittens! My room mate dies when he heard that. He fell backwords out of his chair and slammed his head against the side of the headboard on his bed in the dorm!!!!
O, and I like the word weasle too!!
from above.. dies = died, backwords = backwards.. and etc for any other mispellings, I type too fast and dont check what I write.
Thanks-I’m glad you guys enjoyed it! 🙂