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Here’s why I ask. My husband just called them because he just remembered that it was his dad’s birthday 2 days ago, and we did not call or send a card, and now we are totally on their *&%# list.
So he came out into my office after he got off the phone and he was wearing the face you’d expect on someone who has discovered that, even if you’ve been married for 10 years, and are a responsible, hard-working, law-abiding, home-owning grownup, you are never to old to be in big trouble with your parents.
Then he said, “My parents have a new pet.” So I thought that maybe he was looking down because their dog, Riley, had died.
But no. Riley is just fine. Instead, it was that he was responsible for breaking to me the news that, “They have adopted a snake.” (Snakes only being, to my mind, The Most Terrifying Things In Existence.)
Apparently they had some people working on their lawn, and these people brought them outside to show them the snake they’d found.
“We need to get rid of this snake,” said the lawn people. What an excellent response.
Other appropriate responses:
“Bring me the flame thrower!”
or, “Why the *%$@ don’t we have a flame thrower?!”
My father-in-law’s response? “Wait. Let me look that snake up on the Internet.”
Long story short, the snake is now living in a special snake spot in their backyard, almost directly touching the outside of the room that my husband and I stay in when we go to visit my in-laws. And I just can’t help wondering, is there a message in that for me?
If my in-laws had a snake at their house, I would do my best to never, ever go to their house ever again. I have a huge, and I mean HUGE, snake phobia. I get all worked up just reading about this 🙂
hee hee… since we avoid my inlaws- they could have a pet elephant and we’d never know. I don’t blame you, I’d be freaked out too…
Yes, there was MUCH freaking out this past weekend!
Aaauuuggghhh! I am terrified of snakes, too! I would have heart failure if someone put me in a room next to a snake. Better not let my inlaws talk with your inlaws. [heh]
Oh, hey look… There are two Stacy’s in here and they’re both terrified of those slithering, icky creatures. Imagine that.